Your turn signal lets the other people on the road know when you’ll be making a right or left turn, an essential element of safe driving. A blinker that’s blinking faster than usual on your F150’s dashboard is a telltale sign that something is wrong. But, what does it mean and how can you fix it?
The most common reason your Ford F150’s turn signal is blinking faster than usual is because of a dead or failing turn signal bulb. The easiest and best way to fix this is by replacing the bulb. However, this problem may also be caused by bad wiring or using an incompatible turn signal light.
Below, we’ll discuss all the things that may cause your blinker to blink faster than usual and how you can fix the problem. Keep reading to learn how to diagnose and fix the issue!
What Causes a Blinker to Blink Fast?
When you activate your F150’s turn signal and notice that it’s blinking at faster intervals than usual, it most often means that one of your turn signal bulbs is burnt out on that side.
The reason a failed or failing bulb blinks faster than usual is because the electric circuit, which is controlled by the bulb and makes the signal turn on and off at specific intervals, is experiencing a change in resistance.
Your truck has specific calculations for the electric current, voltage, and resistance, which it expects the turn signal to follow. A change in any of these caused by a bad bulb will send an altered current through the system, affecting the timing of your F150’s blinker.
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While this is the most common reason your truck’s turn signal is blinking fast, there are a couple of other issues that could be causing this.
They include:
- Bad wiring
- A failing turn signal
- Incompatible turn signal lights
Below, we’ll discuss how each of these can affect your blinker’s speed.
Bad Wiring
Sometimes, the reason your F150’s blinker is blinking at incorrect intervals is the beginning of a bigger wiring problem. The wires going to your turn signal light or system could be worn, damaged, or faulty.
This is especially common for people who park their cars outside in wooded areas where animals can get under the hood and chew through wires.
A Failing Turn Signal
Even if your turn signal is still working, a quickly blinking blinker in an F150 could be a sign that your turn signal light will need to be replaced soon.
In addition to blinking fast on your dashboard, you might notice the light itself blinking at faster or uneven intervals.
Incompatible Turn Signal Lights
If you noticed the problem with your turn signal after changing your turn signal lights, especially if you used custom aftermarket lights, that could be what’s causing the issue on your dashboard.
Before changing any lights on your Ford F150, make sure they’re compatible with your vehicle. Ask a customer service associate at your local auto parts store if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for.
Here’s a video showing a common reason a blinker blinks fast, with more info below:
How Do You Fix a Blinker that Blinks Fast?
The easiest way to fix a blinker that’s blinking fast on your Ford F150’s dashboard is to replace the bulb. Before you go out and buy a new bulb, however, it’s a good idea to inspect the old one.
Sometimes, bulbs just get knocked loose after driving under uneven terrain. If your turn signal bulb is loose, tighten it and see if you’re still experiencing the same issue. If so, take the bulb out and inspect it for any signs of damage or wear.
Things to look for include:
- Darkness
- Cloudiness
- Broken filaments
If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good indication that your bulb needs to be replaced.
How to Replace a Turn Signal Light on a Ford F150
Replacing a turn signal light on an F150 is a bit more complicated than changing a traditional headlight. To replace your front turn signal bulb, follow the steps below:
- Open your hood and locate the headlight assembly.
- Locate the rubber seal, which covers the lower bolt that holds the light into your vehicle. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the screw holding the seal in place.
- Fold the rubber seal away from your headlight.
- Remove the three bolts holding the headlight in place. The first is on the inside of the headlight, and the second two are on top of the headlight.
- Pull the headlight assembly out.
- Disconnect all the electric connections from the headlight to fully remove it.
- Locate the turn signal bulb on the headlight assembly, then turn it slightly counterclockwise to remove it.
- Install the new turn signal bulb into the headlight assembly by turning it slightly clockwise.
- Follow the steps you did to remove the headlight assembly in reverse to install it back into your car.
If you need to replace your rear turn signal, you’ll essentially follow the same process. The only difference is you will need to remove the two bolts inside the tail light to pull it off.
What if Replacing the Bulb Doesn’t Fix My F150’s Blinker?
If replacing your F150’s turn signal bulb does not fix the problem with the blinker blinking faster than usual, your best bet is to visit a mechanic so they can diagnose the problem.
Some of the other issues you may find include:
- Wire damage
- Damaged or blown fuses
- A damaged or worn car battery
- Corrosion inside the light socket
These problems can be difficult to diagnose yourself if you don’t have much mechanical knowledge, so it’s usually a better idea to have it looked at by a professional.
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In Conclusion
The most common reason your blinker is blinking faster than usual on your F150’s dashboard is that the bulb is out. In this case, the best way to fix it is to replace the bulb.
If the bulb is not out, or if replacing it does not solve the problem, there may be a deeper issue. In this case, the best course of action is to take your truck to an experienced mechanic who can easily diagnose and fix the problem for you.